Come to think of it, a charpoy or manji as it is called in Punjabi is the most useful piece of furniture ever invented. Before we were introduced to sofas, beds, couches, chairs, settees etc etc a charpoy was the alpha and omega of furnishing. One was born on it and then a cloth was tied to one of its side as a hammock or a hanging cradle, which was rocked by mothers sleeping up. From here started a life long association with it. You basically slept on it, had all your meals, met visitors and had meetings on the same charpoy. A charpoy was adjustable as you could tighten it or loosen it exactly the way you wanted it. It was mobile also. You could drag it along wherever you went, under the shade, out in the open or indoors depending upon the time of the day. I have personally seen it being used as a bed to dry chilies, wheat grains and other stuff. And these are only the uses when its four feet or poys are on the ground. When not required it could be made to stand vertically or horizontally not only to create space but open other vistas of use also. Could be used for hanging your clothes or as a cover while you changed your clothes or had a bath. Its could be used as stairs to climb up walls or go to the roof top.
And then when one died the same charpoy was used for the final ritual and carrying the body to its final abode. Does any piece of furniture even come close in terms of utility ? I don’t think so.